Friday, July 01, 2011

detik hati

i came back for lunch usual...drawed out some money from the atm machine...went to a grocery shop to top-up my phone, bought some mango lassi nyum2~ this would be my lunch for the day...heavy lunch isn't an option, i have to go back to the hosp for evening class...if i'm lucky, we'd be called to the operation theatre or labour theatre to observe any cases or delivery...owh, i'm in OBG department's the second much to learn, so much to see, but nothing much to do...everyone's observation is the best learning method for now...even the lecturers taught us by sitting in a group, either in the class at the hosp or even like just now, class was conducted in the changing room...haha...nice~ with everyone wearing the surgeon scrubs, comel sgt! haha...semua muka excited, first time dpt pakai

anyway, right now...i tgh dok lipat baju, smbil dengar lagu...bertimbun2 baju xlipat lagi...with the monsoon season around, baju lambat sgt nk kering...tambah lagi kene posting and all, dont have much time to fold now, terpakse gagahkan diri lipat baju (haha, mcm susah sgt je) actually today owner rumah nk dtg inspect the house...makcik tu garang...mcm emak2 kecoh with saree and mothers...kene la layan elok2...xnk la increase her BP kan...xpasal2 dok stress...xnk cari pasal...jamu air nanti...rumah kemas, (baju pun tersimpan elok...xde la nampak bundles of clothes on my bed 

sedang melipat kain, tangan juga sempat lg browse2 internet, blog walking...and then i came across a blog of a young woman, with the same age of mine, a medical student also, was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she wrote about her experience for was very inspiring, her strong will to fight the disease is just amazing...its true that in order to overcome cancer, survival chances depend alot on the patient's positive thinking, the determination that will bring him/her to attend all the tiring treatment, to face all the difficult days, to handle enormous mixed feelings...

i doakan beliau tabah dan sabar utk lalui hari2 yg akan dtg...kesusahan itu dtg dari Allah, kesenangan itu pun dtg dari Allah...semoga Allah permudahkan jalan perjuangan beliau utk melawan penyakit itu...muda lagi, cantik, bijak pandai...sungguh, hidup ini mcm2 benda boleh berlaku...bila2 masa sahaja impian dan kebahagiaan akan ditarik...ujian hidup itu akan dtg berkali2, dgn berbagai2 cara...mungkin ini cara Allah menduga beliau, semoga keadaan ini dpt meningkatkan lagi keimanan beliau...semoga dosa terhapus, pahala kerana bersabar itu bertambah berganda2 lagi...amin...

btw, tadi pagi belajar Palliative Medicine...about how to handle a cancer patient...starting from breaking the news, responding to emotional patient, confidentiality...mcm2...dlm hati, i terfikir...sejauh mane pun seorang tu belajar, but it must be way difficult to handle for real...hrp2 dpt la jadi doktor yg boleh membantu pesakit2 dia...bantu bukan saja dari segi dok prescribe ubat je (ubt pun kene la bagi yg betul kan...), hopefully i can help them physically and emotionally...give support and help as much as i can...hopefully i'll see each patient as human beings, hopefully dpt bantu dorg sama mcm bantu keluarga or kawan2 sendiri...yes people, sometimes bila dah terlalu "biasa" sgt dgn situation tu, seseorang mungkin jadi lupa diri...kesakitan dan kematian itu mungkin boleh jadi perkara biasa sampai xtimbul dalam hati apa perasaan pesakit ataupun keluarga mereka...we might treat them as "just people" instead of a person with feelings...nauzubillah...jauhkanlah diriku dari berperasaan sebegitu...

klah, nk smbung lipat kain...sekian...hehe...

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